Files & Documents

Files and documents available for viewing and downloads.
Title Type Department
Passaic County CARES COVID-19 Test at Home Program Flyer
Little Falls Summer Camp 2020 Canceled
Notice of Introduction of Bond Ordinance No. 1384 – Acquisition of PNC property for public parking
Notice of Introduction of Bond Ordinance No. 1383 – Installation of a Synthetic Turf Multipurpose Athletic Field at Duva Field
Resolution Establishing Rate of Interest for Delinquent Taxes - 4/13/2020
Passaic County Hazard Mitigation Plan Brochure
LFEF New Trustee Form
Township Emergency Declaration - March 14, 2020
A Coronavirus Pandemic Resource Guide for NJ (Updated April 4, 2020)
A Letter from Mayor Damiano to our Senior Citizens
Domestic Violence Prevention Committee Flyer
COVID-19 Screening Prescription Flyer
Closing Applications
2020 Introduced Municipal Budget Presentation
COVID-19 Press Release - March 19, 2020
¡Detenga los microbios! Lávese las manos
Stop germs! Wash your hands
Lo que necesita saber sobre la enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
What you need to know about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Lavado de manos - Mantenga sana a su familia