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Jon Rheinhardt – CMFO/Treasurer

Duties. The Director of Finance shall perform the duties formerly prescribed by resolutions or ordinances and such additional duties as may be assigned by the Mayor.

Division of Treasury. Within the Department of Administration, there shall be a Division of Treasury, the head of which shall be the Chief Financial Officer. There also shall be in the division the Township Treasurer, an accounting clerk/bookkeeper and other such personnel as may be required, subject to the approval of the Mayor and within the limits of available appropriations. The Township Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer may be one and the same person.

Chief Financial Officer. The position of Chief Financial Officer is hereby created pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of P.L. 1988, c. 110 to carry out the responsibilities set forth under P.L. 1947 c. 151, N.J.S.A. 52:27BB-26 et seq.). The Chief Financial Officer shall serve under the direction and supervision of the Director of the Department and head the Division of Treasury.