NJAW Lead Service Line Replacement Program

As you are aware NJAW’s qualified contractor, CDM Smith, continues to perform inventory assessments of water service line materials throughout NJAW service areas including Little Falls Township.

At this time, canvassing and inspections are primarily limited to scheduled appointments. Attached is the Little Falls service line material map which shows the area where work will be performed.

If customers have any questions, please direct them to the NJAW’s Lead Landing page, https://amwater.com/njaw/Water-Quality/Lead-and-Drinking-Water/. This page will have information about the program and how customers can schedule inspections, self-report, and ask questions. Alternatively, customers can send emails to njawlead@cdmsmith.com with any questions about the program or call 732-590-4700 if a customer is looking to schedule an inspection.

Thank you for your ongoing support.
